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Builder memcached-solaris10-i386 Build #279


Failed shell_2 shell_3


Got Revision6512edb22e326acdf8267b4d3c0b88fe707bb86f
Changes11 changes




The SingleBranchScheduler scheduler named 'schedule-memcached-solaris10-i386' triggered this build

Steps and Logfiles:

  1. git update ( 2 secs )
    1. stdio
  2. shell 'bash autogen.sh' ( 3 secs )
    1. stdio
  3. shell_1 './configure --enable-sasl ...' ( 6 secs )
    1. stdio
    2. config.log
  4. shell_2 'gmake' failed ( 1 secs )
    1. stdio
  5. shell_3 'gmake test' failed ( 1 secs )
    1. stdio

Build Properties:

branch next Build
builddir /export/home/buildbot/slave/memcached-solaris10-i386 slave
buildername memcached-solaris10-i386 Builder
buildnumber 279 Build
codebase Build
got_revision 6512edb22e326acdf8267b4d3c0b88fe707bb86f Git
project memcached Build
repository git://github.com/memcached/memcached.git Build
revision 6512edb22e326acdf8267b4d3c0b88fe707bb86f Build
scheduler schedule-memcached-solaris10-i386 Scheduler
slavename unstable10x BuildSlave
workdir /export/home/buildbot/slave/memcached-solaris10-i386 slave (deprecated)

Forced Build Properties:


Responsible Users:

  1. LSmithx2
  2. Levente Polyak
  3. Tomas Korbar
  4. dormando
  5. minkikim89
  6. tom


StartTue Jun 8 08:50:07 2021
EndTue Jun 8 08:50:22 2021
Elapsed15 secs

All Changes:


  1. Change #128375

    Category memcached
    Changed by minkikim89 <minkikim89ohnoyoudont@gmail.com>
    Changed at Tue 08 Jun 2021 06:54:10
    Repository git://github.com/memcached/memcached.git
    Project memcached
    Branch next
    Revision 02305885e3d9d82fb1cd00a5869ce1fb49cfb62a


    Added debugtime command

    Changed files

    • memcached.c
    • memcached.h
    • proto_text.c
  2. Change #128376

    Category memcached
    Changed by minkikim89 <minkikim89ohnoyoudont@gmail.com>
    Changed at Tue 08 Jun 2021 06:54:21
    Repository git://github.com/memcached/memcached.git
    Project memcached
    Branch next
    Revision 5ad7a83a77c36a6a57d856c0296af45897896753


    Fix expiration test to use debugtime command

    Changed files

    • proto_text.c
    • t/expirations.t
    • t/lib/MemcachedTest.pm
  3. Change #128377

    Category memcached
    Changed by Tomas Korbar <tkorbarohnoyoudont@redhat.com>
    Changed at Tue 08 Jun 2021 07:02:59
    Repository git://github.com/memcached/memcached.git
    Project memcached
    Branch next
    Revision 683b286dafdfaf65bef21854e0561aae732a4ff4


    Fix leaking file descriptors
    Another issue found by static code analysers

    Changed files

    • daemon.c
  4. Change #128378

    Category memcached
    Changed by LSmithx2 <42276854+lsmithx2ohnoyoudont@users.noreply.github.com>
    Changed at Tue 08 Jun 2021 07:05:58
    Repository git://github.com/memcached/memcached.git
    Project memcached
    Branch next
    Revision 4946d37b5e57ad5d1c6b0c98e5b96a2f63bcf2e7


    small improvements to readme
    small improvements to readme

    Changed files

    • README.md
  5. Change #128379

    Category memcached
    Changed by dormando <dormandoohnoyoudont@rydia.net>
    Changed at Tue 08 Jun 2021 07:06:55
    Repository git://github.com/memcached/memcached.git
    Project memcached
    Branch next
    Revision 17640549935019ca3367aaacaabc66550a6f2908


    meta: allow base64'ed binary keys with 'b' flag
    ie: ms [key] b
    if 'k' flag is given and key is binary, returns as binary encoded.

    Changed files

    • Makefile.am
    • base64.c
    • base64.h
    • memcached.h
    • proto_text.c
    • t/metaget.t
  6. Change #128380

    Category memcached
    Changed by dormando <dormandoohnoyoudont@rydia.net>
    Changed at Tue 08 Jun 2021 07:06:55
    Repository git://github.com/memcached/memcached.git
    Project memcached
    Branch next
    Revision f4aee656741421a41bc5e128f10e15be703c8927


    meta: 'b' flag for ME to return base64 keys

    Changed files

    • proto_text.c
  7. Change #128381

    Category memcached
    Changed by dormando <dormandoohnoyoudont@rydia.net>
    Changed at Tue 08 Jun 2021 07:06:55
    Repository git://github.com/memcached/memcached.git
    Project memcached
    Branch next
    Revision d0b560d91a3bf7b7cda93759c48b5319e9743911


    meta: protect cachedump from bin keys and add docs
    cachedump was the only place in the codebase I can find which copied
    the key verbatim. wonder when I can finally remove the command :)

    Changed files

    • doc/protocol.txt
    • items.c
  8. Change #128382

    Category memcached
    Changed by dormando <dormandoohnoyoudont@rydia.net>
    Changed at Tue 08 Jun 2021 07:18:05
    Repository git://github.com/memcached/memcached.git
    Project memcached
    Branch next
    Revision 2a8b96105857dee237889f6a9e02d42352874e02


    meta: more realistic buffer limit for binary keys.

    Changed files

    • proto_text.c
  9. Change #128383

    Category memcached
    Changed by tom <tomohnoyoudont@localhost.com>
    Changed at Tue 08 Jun 2021 07:33:36
    Repository git://github.com/memcached/memcached.git
    Project memcached
    Branch next
    Revision 2f8add8838553db423acc2d526e89bb917c21814


    The total number of UDP datagrams required for the message is calculated incorrectly.
    UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE actually contains the length of the private UDP header, but resp->tosend only contains the length of the data part.
    The number of required UDP packets calculated by the original code will be less than the actual need.
    1000000/1400 = 714.2 ceil 715
    1000000/1392 = 718.3 ceil 719
    Actually 719 datagrams are needed, and 715 is wrong.
    Signed-off-by: AK Deng <ttttabcd@protonmail.com>

    Changed files

    • memcached.c
    • memcached.h
  10. Change #128384

    Category memcached
    Changed by Levente Polyak <leventeohnoyoudont@leventepolyak.net>
    Changed at Tue 08 Jun 2021 08:30:46
    Repository git://github.com/memcached/memcached.git
    Project memcached
    Branch next
    Revision aab39da13823a4978c3ca53cf79021cc021507e7


    seccomp: extend allowed rules for extended usage
    This puts syscalls into the allow list that were triggered on latest
    systems including extended usage tests, signal and systemd handling.

    Changed files

    • linux_priv.c
  11. Change #128385

    Category memcached
    Changed by dormando <dormandoohnoyoudont@rydia.net>
    Changed at Tue 08 Jun 2021 08:36:37
    Repository git://github.com/memcached/memcached.git
    Project memcached
    Branch next
    Revision 6512edb22e326acdf8267b4d3c0b88fe707bb86f


    extstore: fix crash on 'stats extstore'
    if extstore wasn't enabled, crashes. Reported by @zer0e on github.

    Changed files

    • storage.c